Busy, busy, busy! I almost didn't have time for this entry (but I did). Alex and I are getting ready for the Toy Party and my work holiday party poem, but a listener sent this to me, and I just had to share. When the pain is over, you can do the same to a friend and share the love. Get elfed.
where am I?
I stayed home from word today because I am not feeling well. It isn't fun being sick, and watching Paris Hilton on Ellen doesn't help. I really wanted to puke, but I held it together. The one discovery that made my day was the new feature on Google Maps Mobile - my location. Not that I was going anywhere today, I was just excited about the option. As I wait for Android to be released (so I can ditch my MotoQ), I am excited to be able to use my non GPS-enabled phone as if it were. If you want to know more about the highlight of my day, click here. Cute little video, Google.
Three more days until the Toy Party. Get your outfits now!
out with a bang
Why not start with a real doozie? I spent some time alone tonight pondering the meaning of life and how it will end (not a great start to a blog, right?). The thought about the end of the our planet wasn't truly mine, it was planted in my head by Stephen Petranek, editor of Discover magazine. After listening to his TED presentation on the top 10 ways it could end, I began to think about how little time there is left in the world (comparatively speaking), and how much crap there is in my head - I need to get it out. That pushed me to (finally) activate my Blogger account and start dumping my thoughts here for you to read. It is cheaper than therapy! If you enjoy it, tell your friends; if you don't, keep your mouth shut!
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