
"Watch out for feces-throwing monkeys"

That was my dad's advice.

As I depart for Costa Rica in the morning, he doesn't warn me about safe travel, keeping my eyes open for the terrorists or avoiding the Costa Rican 'dope'. Instead he warns me about how his old Army buddy shot his rifle barrel cleaner at a monkey and was later ambushed and attacked by said monkey. Thanks, dad. I promise not to shoot any monkeys; I'll only spank them. Could you imagine explaining that to your friends? "Uh, a group of monkeys (who haven't intelligently designed as much as I) jumped out of a tree and whooped on me." Ouch! You get a black eye and a bruised ego. I'd tell my friends I insulted a drag queen's shoes instead.

We are headed to Puerto Quepos to celebrate three 40th birthdays (old people and their destination birthdays). If we have access to the internets, I'll post pictures as often as possible. If I am MIA for the week, you (my mystery reader) will know why.

Pura vida!